Lactation Support
Supportive personalized care using nurturing strategies & gentle techniques.
We can help you with:

Comfortable positioning & latching
Getting enough sleep as a new parent!
Sore nipples and/or breast pain resolution
Slow weight gain or infant weight loss
Blocked/Plugged ducts & Mastitis
Low/decreased milk supply
Oversupply & fast let-down
Understanding fussiness & crying
Reflux & colic symptoms
Falling asleep while feeding
Pumping & Building Milk Supply
Bottle Feeding & Mixed Feeding
Resolving pain - arm/wrist/back/neck
Interpreting your baby's behaviour
Building your baby's circadian rhythm & developing a predictable routine
& Much more!
Areas of Expertise include:
​Adoptive and surrogate breastfeeding
Re-lactation and induced lactation
Breastfeeding after surgery or cesarean birth
Return-to-work planning​
Oral mechanical issues affecting milk transfer​
Weaning from a nipple shield
Safe sleep & co-sleeping practices
Medications & mother’s milk​
Introducing solids & preparing food
Baby Led Weaning