We are so glad you are here!
You are not alone.
We are here to support you.
Sage Lactation Consultants bring evidence-based strategies, solutions and support to nurture you and your family on your journey into parenthood.
Newborn feeding & care is full of new learning with so many ongoing developmental changes!
Becoming a parent is a massive transition & learning process, and requires practice, nurturing guidance & compassionate support.
Your parenting & feeding journey can be relaxing, joyful, and rewarding, however, there are a lot of unexpected things that can arise along the way!
Sage Lactation Consultants are Holistic Feeding Specialists with gentle approaches, integrative strategies, and effective techniques to bring resolutions to lactation and feeding challenges.

Our Services
Are you or someone you care about struggling with stressful feedings?
Many parents and healthcare workers are unaware that there are strategies to resolve almost any lactation and feeding issue.
Almost all of the obstacles that lead to early cessation are preventable and possible to resolve with the right support.
Do you have pain or discomfort when latching or feeding?
We can teach positioning techniques so you can have a comfortable and pain-free latch.
Is your baby fussy or always falling asleep when feeding?
Does your baby have long or frequent feeds and seem not able to get full?
Does your baby not seem satisfied after feeding or wake up soon after falling asleep?
We can help with real, personalized, and specific strategies to help you and your family enjoy your feeding relationship!

We can gently guide you on your journey to help you interpret cues to understand the roots of your baby's behaviour or the source of discomfort.
Are you feeling overwhelmed by all of the changes?​​​
Are you feeling confused, discouraged, or disappointed in how feedings are going?
Are you wondering which feeding method is right for you and your family?
We bring understanding & evidence-based practices to meet you where you are and help you make informed choices so YOU can CHOOSE where you want to be.

Home Visits Available
Serving York Region
in Ontario
& Surrounding Communities
Phone: (416) 809-7984
Email: sagelactation@gmail.com
Discover Resolutions to feeding & lactation Issues!